Wednesday 31 October 2007

The BeST wEeKEnD EveR..!!

well..well.. i think i've found the reason for me to SMILE in france.. =)

kak najaa, kak ina, kak zati, kak dayah, kak as, kak asma', kak reen, kak shafrah, kak mimi, kak mai , kak nadrah, nini, wani, ana. thanks a lot!!

27-28 okt 2007
27 okt
alhamdulillah.. the journey from aix to Toulouse took about 5 hours by train(and bus).. ana and i arrived late that night while the other have started their daurah program earlier.. i was so touched coz they waited for us for dinner.haha.. they might be starving...kami mintak maaf..gommei ne!! ;p

28 okt
It's morning children!! RisE aNd sHiNe!! off to Jardin des Plantes, we took lots of pic! It was sooooo greaatt to be able strolling around the park with GIRLS.. i mean pretty and cute girls!! *wink*wink* we ate marvelous choc cake (made by kak reen), cucur ikan bilis by kakak2, scrambled eggs, etc. hehe.. the feeling was unexplainable.. all we did was smile..sMiLe..and smile..(i heard smiling is one of the awet wonder they all looks younger than i, keep on smiling everyone!!)

Tengah hari tu kami bincang psl Syahadah al-haq.. (i've got a long way to, ape yg sy tulis kt sini adalah ape yg sy dpt dr daurah aritu) syahadah bermaksud penyaksian. Haq bermaksud kebenaran. Syahadatul haq maksudnya same dgn dakwah.. kalau dulu, ckp psl dakwah, saye rase bnde tu menakutkn dan hanye ustaz dan ustazah je yg buat perkara2 dakwah tu. sy igt dakwah tu seperti berceramah pnjng lebar, duduk kt masjid2 dgr tazkirah, bla2.. tp saye silap. dakwah tu luas..

i like this one:kalau kite mengamalkn ape yg Allah suruh dan menjadi Qudwah hasanah(mksd: contoh yg baik), itu pun dh dikira sbg dakwah. Be ourselves (trying to be a gud muslim) . We are the reflects of islam.. especially for those who are studying abroad, we've got works to do ;p. There're lots of them who doesn't know the true islam. Some of them thought that we're some kind of whatsoever, it's our responsible to show them the real muslim.. Take this for example: while we're at jardin des plantes, some of us had a chat with this pakcik..and he asked them what they're wearing on their head. he assumed that they wore that 'thing' (hijab/tudung) becoz they tried to dry their wet hair(u know,typical girl always put towel around their head after bath).. they told him they're muslims and they wore hijab becoz of their religion.. c'est un peu drôle mais quand même c'est la vérité.

Tanggungjwb dakwah tu bkn utk ustaz ustazah shj, tp kpd sume org islam yg mengakui dirinya tu seorang islam..tout simplement, setiap org islam yg mengucap dua kalimah syahadah..ngaaa.. frankly,saye baru je tau dakwah tu tanggungjwb kite semua..hehe.. ;p

Dan demikian pula Kami telah
menjadikan kamu(Umat islam)'umat pertengahan' agar kamu menjadi saksi
atas(perbuatan) manusia dan agar Rasul(Muhammad) menjadi saksi atas
(perbuatan)kamu. Kami tidak menjadikan kiblat
yang(dahulu)kamu(berkiblat)kpdnya melainkan agar Kami mengetahui siapa
yang mengikuti Rasul dan siapa yang berbalik ke belakang. Sungguh,
(pemindahan kiblat)itu sangat berat. kecuali bagi orang yang telah
diberi petunjuk oleh Allah. Dan Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan imanmu.
Sungguh, Allal Maha Pengasih. MAha Penyayang kepada manusia."

(AQ,Al Baqarah:143)

KRINGG!! lunch time!
guess what for lunch.. sambal belacan!! made using REAL LESUNG BATU..diterbangkan khas dr msia.. ( i 'pau' some belacan from kak dayah) keh3..tenkiu2..sape2 perlukan belacan, sila dtg bilik.

If we search every nook and cranny, i don't think there'll be sumthing sweeter than the ukhwah itself..


- the COLOURS in france-

Sunday 21 October 2007

aNoTheR SyaWaL in Aix

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI and greetings to all..i noe it's kind of a bit late but it's better late than never =) 1syawal was on Saturday but we had class wif mr markides till noon.. ana and i were late coz we stayed up just to cook the 'second last' dish--> KUAH KACANG!!..haha.. wasn't a great day as 'sumthng' happened and we (ana and i) were not in the mood at all.. -_-" and i'm jealous dgn my ex-skolmate (in korea)who said that it was the best eid ever or so far.. isk2 xpe sham. nnt kite dtg korea! (berangan blh la..) ^_^