Thursday 1 March 2007

kenape? why? pourquoi? naze?

kenape saye tak boleh post msg sblum ni ek? hurm..xpe.try lagi.. =)

kenape saye mulakn blog:
1: cuti 2minggu and takde plan utk gi mane2 (agak pelikla sbb slalunye
saye ni kaki jln)
2: kawan saye baru buat blog gak. tu yg terbukak ati nk buat blog.tenkiu 'S'
3: rase mcm nk kongsi sumthing ngn org lain.saye tau,ilmu atau pengalaman hidup yg saye ade ni tak sebnyk org lain..terlalu dan teramat sedikit. tp ibu penah ckp, rezeki yg Allah kasi tu, bkn utk kite, tak salah kalo kongsi ngn org lain,kn? i wont lose anything by sharing..hehe.tibe2 teringt lagu WHAT DID I DO TODAY by dawud wharnsby..
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I smile at my brother?
Was I kind to my mother?
Did I teach another something that I know
Or did my love of this world lead me astray?
Tell me, what did I do today?
4: furthermore,i only have a girlfren and 9 boyfrens here. creating a blog is one of the way to communicate with the world..this is the least that i can do..when i'm gone, there will be sumthing that i won't regret coz i didnt hold back whatever i had in mind..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salam..yeah,dats the way it shud be..ilmu n experiences yg kite ada sgt shud share wif others =) all the best wif blogging!juz shout out wat u wan..moga dpt memanfaatkan sebaik2nye =) -oZgaL-